Keep your walkways, pets, and children safe this winter with Safe Paw Ice Melter

Product Info

Safe Paw® is the only 100% salt-free ice melter on the market and it is 100% safe for pets, children, surfaces, and the environment. Safe Paw’s pellets are green to make it easy for consumers to distinguish it from rock salt and salt-based ice melters. Safe Paw benefits include:

  • Guaranteed safe for pets and children
  • Environmentally safe
  • Won’t harm decking of any kind
  • Safe on asphalt, concrete, and pavers
  • Safe on plants and shrubs
  • Proprietary traction agent (helps prevent
    slips and falls)
  • Won’t stain or destroy flooring

How Safe Paw Works

No other ice and snow melter works like Safe Paw It is totally unique. Safe Paw is a patented dual-effect compound made of a modified crystalline amide core infused with special glycol admixture and traction agents.

This composition gives Safe Paw a two-way timed released action. The liquid component starts melting ice instantly while breaking surface tension. This allows the crystal-core to penetrate and destabilize ice which speeds up melting. All this while proprietary traction agent provides slip protection.

Safe Paw gives you another advantage. Unlike other products, Safe Paw attracts solar heat to provide extra melting-power during daylight hours.

Once Safe Paw has melted the ice and snow, it leaves an invisible “shield” that prevents ice from sticking to surfaces for up to 3 days. This “Teflon effect” makes shoveling easier.


Safe Paw

Safe Paw is a patented dual-effect compound
made of a modified crystalline amide core infused
with special glycol admixture and traction agents

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